"Darling I have a car waiting for us outside for right after so don't worry, what is this, why are you not seated, you cannot stand in mink, you must be seated, let me call Stefano" was what I walked into at the Jill Stuart show this morning. An overly tanned European woman with a hip length ponytail accessorized her shorts with so-oily-they-were-almost-patent orange legs. Friend 1 was decked out in aubergine tights and a grey dress and Friend 2 was in a mink vest, black skinny jeans, and perfectly trendy bangs.
With this being the standing room attire, I was not surprised when camera bulbs went crazy at the appearance of Miss America (who could have been a supermodel herself), Tinsley Mortimer (who had perfect blonde curls in this rain), Hilary Swank (who is stunning in real life, not to mention the perfet Jill Stuart muse), and Tyra Banks (who is literally...larger than life).
No one was as cute however, as Miss Jill Stuart Jr., the designer's daughter. She was running around with long blonde hair, a Christmas'd-at-St.Barth's tan, and a a perfectly tailored black strapless party dress straight from Mommy's closet and miniature sized. Her partner in crime was clearly ditching private school, made clear by the rebelliously untucked polo and rolld up tights. They were perfect Gossip Girl's in the making.
The show itself was great, tons of navys, blacks, and oceany greens to keep us calm next fall. Black sparkles dominated the evening wear as well as black floppy hats and leather jackets.
With this being the standing room attire, I was not surprised when camera bulbs went crazy at the appearance of Miss America (who could have been a supermodel herself), Tinsley Mortimer (who had perfect blonde curls in this rain), Hilary Swank (who is stunning in real life, not to mention the perfet Jill Stuart muse), and Tyra Banks (who is literally...larger than life).
No one was as cute however, as Miss Jill Stuart Jr., the designer's daughter. She was running around with long blonde hair, a Christmas'd-at-St.Barth's tan, and a a perfectly tailored black strapless party dress straight from Mommy's closet and miniature sized. Her partner in crime was clearly ditching private school, made clear by the rebelliously untucked polo and rolld up tights. They were perfect Gossip Girl's in the making.
The show itself was great, tons of navys, blacks, and oceany greens to keep us calm next fall. Black sparkles dominated the evening wear as well as black floppy hats and leather jackets.
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